Ok, I know most of you have seen the Backyardigains....well Quinton is obessed with them. I think he would literally watch TV for 10-12 hours straight if we would let him....sounds like someone else I know, Mr. Aaron. As a first child, we were not wanting him to watch a lot of TV, however, now with a second child in the house, so much for that theory!!! We try and limit the TV to 1 hr a day.
I have sat and watched a few shows with him before and the plots are just darling and the personalities are perfect for preschoolers. In fact, these shows have caused him to imagine all the places and adventures the characters on the show have encountered. Sometimes, we're on a treasure hunt, sometimes we're robots and policeman, and other times we're mermaids....whatever is his mood that day!
He also has gotten into a new show called, Sid the Science Kid....it is the cutest show ever. I just had to write about it because Aaron and I cannot get the songs out of our head. One of the songs, is, "I love my mom, she is cool, now it's time for me to go to school,"...and it's in a rap! Hilarious....must see if you haven't already.
Just wanted to blog, so one day Qman can look back and see what he was into at age 3 when we're stuck inside on a wintery day! Check out these two shows if you haven't already, you will crack up!
Janelle and Aaron,
TWO way COOL parents. Yeah for you both and your awesome kids!
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