Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sloan is.....

starting to get into mischief! It's been a never know where you will find her or with what in her hand ( peanut butter, tampons, scissors)??? I thought some of these pictures explained it....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Great Friends Forever...

Little Me's....Aaron, Brett and Chad

Over the holidays we were able to get together with all of Aaron's best friends growing up. We've stayed in close touch over the years thru all our phases....DINKs, babies, buying homes, selling homes and even some vacations.

Laughter and a few cries echoed from Q's room about every few minutes as they played star wars, hide and seek and every other game that was imaginable. Sloan on the other hand, was carrying her purse and taking it all in! Over some quiche and mimosas we shared "family" stories that all seemed so similar. Then the highlight of the conversation seemed too homes (because we are all in the search), interest rates, schooling systems, politics and mini van features. Oh how our tastes and conversations have changes. We want yards, attached garages, and the "best schools" for our kiddos..... just to name a few...simple right? It was a great day and wish we all lived in the same city.

I love it how all the kids names have the same ring...Quinton, Kiernan, Colin, Aiden, Grayson, and then there's Sloan....she loved being the only GIRL! I would have too with how good looking those boys are!

Memories that will last forever!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Crazy start to the new year...

A little stressful, yet exciting with the sell of our home and the search for a new abode. We had purchased a home in the Chicago land area, however the owners decided to null and void the contract...for what? How could a family do that? What was their motive? Did they not want to sell their house? What did we do? These questions have raced through our minds the past two weeks. Then we stopped and took a deep breath, it could be a lot worse, we have sold our home, everyone is healthy and who cares, it's a house. We know, the Lord has decided this wasn't his plan. He has a better one, we just don't know it yet. However, in the moment, it seems as if the world is crashing down!

We have to be out of our home Feb 1 so were preparing for that next step as a family and Papa Sullivan has been so gracious to let us shack it up with him while we're searching. For this we are thankful. Q is jumping for joy inside, since he will be living next door to his best buddies fact, he told me tonight that once we leave our house we are moving to Morton and never leaving. Trac, I promise we will have his visits under control.

Need less to say, it has been a little stressful since the start of the new year, hence the lack of blog posts. We know all things happen for a reason and we look forward to that next step! Keep praying!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas 2009

Q's "natural smile"...He's loving it!
Sloan, that's the baby's bed papa made you
"The boys"
"The Girls"
Christmas Eve, Pjs, gingerbread cookies and craziness
candy canes = sticky hands right before church, wasn't thinking?

We had a wonderful Christmas. Aaron and I took a break from work and it was much needed. We were able to catch up with a lot of family and friends we haven't seen in a long time! Every year the spirit gets even better.... having kids just brings the memories of childhood and the excitement even more alive.

We started several new traditions with the Elf on a Shelf , Christmas Eve PJs, a last minute holiday shindig and a special movie date with Q. Then God delivered a wonderful gift before Christmas which was the sale of our home on Dec 18 (to be exact). It will be a bittersweet move, but we're not going to talk about that now.

Reflecting on the holiday, one word comes to mind "blessed". We are blessed to have our wonderful family, great friends, and our health and safety. The real meaning of the season shined upon us and and for that we are thankful! Our wish and hope that 2010 brings health, love and happiness to each of you! Cheers to many more memories to share!