Friday, August 28, 2009

Sloan's first class....

With Q starting school soon and always trying to continue the tradition with both kiddos, we decided to sign Sloan up for gymnastics and this morning was her first day. What a crack up! There is just Sloan and another little girl named Isabel in the class so it's practically a private lesson (if there is such a thing for a 15 month year old). It's a lot of free play so she could get used to the environment and the equipment. However, it didn't take too long, as this setup is a cool and safe place for kids to have a blast. Sloan did awesome jumping on the trampoline with mommy, hanging on the bars, and stacking cones as big as her. Q was thrilled because he was able to show her the ropes for the first class. I was so proud of his patience and his excitement when he went into BIG BRO mode.

I look forward to her progress and feel this will be a great way to gain coordination and balance...then we can get her in dance too.....So fun Sloan!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Maka Maka

Means "Friend" in Hawaiian. What a perfect name for the Maui Jim race our entire family participated in to support the local FRIENDSHIP house here in town. Quinton and Sloan were such good sports just hanging in the stroller while Daddy ran with both of them. He insisted...I think he was trying to break a record, truly. He finished the first mile in 6 minutes while pushing at least 50 lbs of kids. That is amazing to me!! I, on the other hand, was relaxed and in my running mode, enjoying the peacefulness, the chilly climate (thanks daddy!) and most of all my son who was able to run me into the finish was pretty cute!

After the race was over we enjoyed some yummy Old Chicago pizza and a "live band" that Sloan especially loved dancing to! All around it was a fun night, we enjoyed our family time, saw some friends and raised $$ for a great cause!

Check out my famous family in this link .... Sloan is in the back of Quinton, she's just hard to see!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Last day at Splashdown!

Who ever knew such a fun filled water park existed in town? Wow! We sure didn't... and honestly I don't know if we ever would have gone if it weren't for our sweet little friend, Lauren's and her birthday party being there. Q thought he was about 12 years old going down the slides...Aaron did too and then Sloan started acting a little sassy and didn't want to get too wet. We had such a great time, so we'll be back next year.... maybe even on the day it opens instead of waiting until the day it closes!

Thanks for inviting us Frank's!

By the way, do you think Sloan will be upset with me when she's older....I had her in a Spider man slash diaper....????

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A night at the Tower

Q said "I have a great idea, Let's go for a family bike ride up to the Tower Park". We thought it was a great idea too! We were able to go up the elevator that seriously seems like it goes forever and ever! Once we approached the landing I think we were about 10 stories high...Oh My Gosh...... I was a little unsettled as heights do not normally scare me, but with 2 kiddos, well you know. The scenery was amazing... we were able to see everything...the signs pointed to CC and DD's house in St. Louis, Papa's house in Morton and even all the way to China! It did turn out to be a great night of family fun!

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Big St. Jude Thank You!

Dear Family and Friends

Each year, the St. Jude telethon and the running relays continue to advance its mission of Finding Cures, Saving Children. This year was a record-breaking year of fundraising with over Five Million Dollars donated to this worthwhile cause.

On behalf of the St. Jude Organization, Aaron and I would like to personally thank you for your generous donations and support towards helping children in our community battle cancer. Because of you, we were able to reach our fundraising goal. More importantly, because of you, a child of St. Jude will never be denied treatment because of a families inability to pay.

Please know that 100% of your contributions will go directly to the aid of a child in need. How awesome is that?! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

As for the actual relay, Aaron and I combined for over 45 miles of running and fellowship on Saturday, August 1st, 2009. For us, the St. Jude experience was awesome! Our family was able to witness directly the tremendous impact and uplifting spirit this regional event brings to the thousands gathered in downtown. You don’t have to be a parent to appreciate the amazing support and miracles happening to the children of St. Jude.

Again, we are so very grateful and blessed to have such philanthropic friends and family in our lives and we want you to know that you and your donations are greatly appreciated!

We hope this letter of thanks finds you and yours doing well. Please consider this a personal invite to join us on a St. Jude relay run next year!

Thanks again for all your support.