Monday, February 23, 2009

Like Father Like Son.......

"The line up"

He shoots and scores!

"Good Job....Team"

Quinton has been taking a soccer mini session at the park district over the past weekends. He is loving it. It truly is amazing what a group of ten four and five year olds can learn about the fundamentals, teamwork and how to chase a small ball that needs to be shot in the goal. So Cute! It was great.... Miss Stephanie started the class by teaching dribbling, passing, shooting and stopping the ball. After the first class, Qman commented on the the way home, "Mom and Dad, Are we ever gonna play a game, I am a little bored?" We knew this would come out of his mouth. He was basically saying , "who cares about the basics, let's get the show started!"

We tried to encourage him to take his time and learn each part of the game and this will make him a good sport as a teammate and player on the field. I'll keep you posted as basketball is the next 3 sessions...

I am sure, this was just the beginning of many practice benches I will be sitting on in our little guys sports career! Fun times!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Sloan is getting into the people food, in fact, she starting crying today when I got out a jar of the sweet potato and apple puree.... I thought these pics explained it all!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Roommates........

 I was out of town all week in Arizona on business, so my Mom and Aaron held up the fort! They did awesome.....!!!!!!! In fact, I know Quinton was not looking forward to "mommy coming home!" He said, CC listens to me and let's me do whatever I want. (I love it....that's what Grandparents are for!)

Mom, Thanks so much for coming and spending time with the kiddos.  Quinton continues to reference all the fun days you had together.  We love you so much and appreciate all you do....You're the best!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dad's Day

Qman had an exciting Saturday planned..... It was Dad's Day at preschool! My dad was able to come into town as well, and he was pumped. Quinton was in directing them to Starbucks, then on how to drive to school, and finally showing them the ropes behind closed doors at "HIS" school.   Aaron, gave me the play by play: activity time, songs, Alphabet, the days of the week, their numbers in English and Spanish and finally ended with an art project.

The one thing that I found so funny is that they asked the kids what their dads like to do in their free time?  One child said he likes to go to the office, another said he likes to watch football and then Quinton answers, "He likes to play Star Wars on the Wii" Are you kidding me?    I think Quinton would say that about me if I know how to turn on the Wii.   He is OBSESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

We are very proud of our little man and cannot believe he will be in a five day a week program starting in September of this year...............boy time flies!  I wish I could have been a fly on the wall on that day......How fun!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sloan's Dedication

This weekend was in honor of Sloan-----committing to develop her faith in and outside the home. Oh, we are blessed! CC, DD and uncle Brad came into town, Uncle Andy and Aunt Traci were her godparents and we were able to enjoy a meal and conversation with friends and family after the service.

Sloan, looked so darn cute! (of course, her mom thought so) With her special bracelet Aunt Trac had made, the necklace that was mine as a little girl and don't forget the dress that cousin Maggie wore on her baptismal, we're all about traditions.  Also, I cannot forget Aunt Jod's famous name cookies.   I can't imagine what it will be like when she gets married one day!

She looked so angelic as she stared into the pastors eyes while he was praying to her. At that moment there was a sense of JOY's presence in the room. She was there with us, of course! God does amazing things!  Thank you for a wonderful and memorable weekend! Below is a prayer that Aaron wrote for our little girl:

Dear Lord,
We are here to say “thank you” for bringing the gift of Sloan Joy into our loving and growing family. She is an amazing present from the heavens who brings us daily joy in our lives.

We pray, Lord, that you continue to watch over her as she grows...protect her from evil, and guide her to the way that leads to You!

As proud parents, Janelle and I commit ourselves to maintaining an environment of faith both inside and outside the home. We pray that our love for You be reflected in our daily lives, our spoken words, and our actions. And Lord, we pray that you offer continued blessings on our friends and families as we work to support each other in supporting You.

Every day we are graced by this precious gift of Sloan Joy Sullivan, and we are reminded of Your Love for each of us. Thank You, Lord, for this precious and beautiful gift of Life......this wonderful Child of God.

And so, Lord, with the utmost faith and excitement, we give the gift of Sloan back to You to begin her rewarding journey of faith!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

9 month...

Sloan was nine months on Feb 1.  She is weighs 18 lbs (50%) and her length is 28 inches (75%).... I wonder were she gets her height???? 

She is doing very well.  Starting to use her first sign language for "MORE".....and likes to scream out MUMMMMMMMMM when she's ready to eat... I cannot make out if it's more or MOM feed me now.  

She continues to smile and giggle as she babbles about who knows what....and she enjoys every waking minute she sees her brother, as anytime he gives her attention she lights up!  Pretty cute. 

We continue to thank God for the wonderful blessings of two wonderful healthy children in our lives!  AMEN

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snow Snow go awaY....

We love the snow, but we've have decided it's time for spring, as it's been crazy snowy this year! This past weekend brought one of the last chances (so we thought) to go sledding.   So what do you know, Aaron and Q bundled up and headed into Morton for a little fun on the hills....the hills Aaron used to ride back in the day!  Of course, Qman had a blast with his cousins as they showed him the ropes.  Sloan and I were able to watch from the car as little girlie was snoozing her heart out.  As for the snow, we woke up to a little more this morning.....the Sullivan family loves snow, but ready for some warmer, bike riding weather this weekend!!!!