Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sloan's Annual Checkup

Can you believe our baby girl is One already?  We can't....and did I mention she's walking all over the place.  Sloan took her first 10 steps over Memorial Day weekend and boy she hasn't stopped since then.  She's loving it, getting into cabinets, running after her big brother and communicating to everyone she sees "HI"  and always with a smile!!!!

At her 12 month appointment she weighted  20 lbs and her height was 28.5 inches.  She just got her last 4 shots until kindergarten, one on each arm and one on each leg...poor baby! 

She is such a daddy's girl, before bed she recently will pucker up her lips for a big kiss and it's just so cute!  Sloan don't go stealing any hearts yet, let's just take it one step at a time.  We love you honey!

1 comment:

kkb said...

i love the swimsuit pics... she is so cute walking :) i hope next weekend will work.... i need to see her in action :)