Friday, April 17, 2009

And we're off to the Race......

We'll were off, to enjoy some time with my parents and brother , eat some yummy St. Louis traditions and run the 1/2 Marathon. Aaron and I both are not feeling very good at all, sore throats, bad IT/knee problems and energy level not to par, not to mention there is supposed to be thunder storms Sunday morning during the race. Does this sound like fun?

Not so much to me...however, I put my mind to it, I was somewhat dedicated for the past 3 months during the early morning in the bitter cold and I am not letting myself down. I was hoping to finish in under 2 hours, so we'll see. Aaron committed to a similar time to everyone at work, even though I feel so bad, due to his current crazy schedule he hasn't been able to get in much training at all.

We'll be staying downtown for a nice pasta dinner, and some R and R as my parents have been so sweet to keep the kiddos! They plan to be there at the finish line cheering us on if the weather holds up............We'll keep ya posted!


The Sullivan Sitcom said...

Good luck guys...we'll be cheering you on all the way from Morton! Love ya!

The Vlachs said...

Good luck tomorrow, Aaron and Janelle! You'll be great! Love, Meg & Rob