Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am so proud of my hubby, when he puts his mind to something he does it.....this is his latest goal.

Can I say WOW!!! Check this out it's intense. I love it...the website is beach body.com and it basically, says, "Do you want to get ripped in 90 days? Well this one's for you!" It's hilarious. No with all seriousness, I think this is awesome! Aaron had done some research and felt this was the program for him. He enjoys working out at his own pace in his own house at his own time of the day and with his job lately that means at crazy times.....you nor I are up!

It's a 12 DVD series for an hour each focusing on all body parts. They ask you to take a before and after pic but of course, he knows me to well....that pic would be posted! Anyway, he is looking hot already and I must say I thought he was hot before he even started! Next time you see him, ask him about it...or you just might notice him coming.....he's gonna kill me!

1 comment:

Jill Foley said...

It's a great series and it WORKS!!! My hubby and I started it in January and I've never been in better shape.

My kids even get in on it sometimes!