It was a perfect day to stay inside, watch football, sing Christmas carols and hang the decorations....So Aaron and I thought we had a few minutes, while both kiddos were taking a little nap. Then of course, when Qman woke up, we wanted him to help decorate all the trees with us. Well, got about 1 hour of cleaning and some items out and then the story takes a twist...
Aaron and I heard Quinton talking on the monitor off and on, however didn't think anything of it...just thought he must be dreaming, because he does this often, hadn't heard any movement out of bed etc...I was planning to put away some laundry, so I decided to check on him, I opened the door and I about jump out of my pants, he's UP and says "SURPRISE", "Mom you scared me...". He said he hadn't taken a nap at all; he was sitting at the end of his bed, looking at a toy magazine with the biggest smile on his face saying, "I would like Santa to bring me........" He proceeds to say, "Mom, look at my XMAS decorations."
I just had to laugh, it was so cute...everything was displayed perfect, with ornaments hanging from his dresser hooks, the manger placed with Baby Jesus and figurines out and some other snowmen and knick knacks that his great papa had made last year for the holiday set on other side of the dresser....truly I think this is how I would have placed everything! I could not stop laughing and had to call Aaron upstairs. Need less to say, he went to bed early tonight and I am secretly hoping that the nap is not fading away!!
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