Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nightime Routine

I love putting the kiddos to bed. We definitely have our routine of taking baths, reading books, telling a story and saying our prayers. It truly is the best and could last up to about 2 hours if we would let it! It's when they are the cleanest and smell the best, when all the conversations about the day and night are revealed and when we can communicate how much we're thankful for....AMEN!

Last night, Qman decides that we're going to read not 2 or 3 books, more like 6... Sloan and I were ok with this, after seeing the length of each of them. In fact, he was on a theme of the seasons as we started with "The Haunted Halloween" book and ended with the "Best Christmas Star." I just had to laugh after he asked me if I had ever read any of these books in high school? What??? Where did he get the word high school? Does he think high school is all fun and his preschool.... I guess he'll have to wait and see.

Anyway, in the midst of reading, he stopped and says, "Mom, look at Sloan, she hears what we are saying and she's smiling. " Then he starts tickling her feet and says, "I love you Sloany Bologne" with a big grin. My heart melted, and tears filled in my eyes....and then we finished our routine.

1 comment:

The Vlachs said...

I LOVED catching up on the Sullivans now that we finally have the internet hooked up! Yay, Sloany Baloney (cutest nickname I've ever heard). So glad you're growing and sleeping so well! We miss you guys like crazy... Love, Meg