Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another Pumpkin Fest!

Again this year, we had a memorable time at the PF. We were able to make two visits which was nice and Q was thrilled, because this year his height allowed him to be able to ride even MORE rides than last!!!! The bumper cars, the slide and the TORNADO, which he referred to as the Thunderstorm, was his favorite, but not Mommy's. I felt as if I might vomit all over him and the O'Sullys when we continued spinning and spinning and spinning. I hadn't felt like that since back in college, if you know what I mean!

Saturday, the kiddos and I were able to enjoy the parade with Papa and our cousins, Maggie and Max. Sloan sat on Aunt Traci's lap the entire time and loved every minute of it! She was into the bands and the crazy costumes. I think her face says it all!

We sure love the tradition in Morton and look forward to it ever single year!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Vlachs said...

Look at Sloan's curls!!!!! Where did she get those? They're TOO cute! Looks like you guys are having a blast. Miss you! Great catching up this morning! Lova ya to pieces! Meg