Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sloan's Birthday!

"the BIG 2"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a gathering for some friends and family here in Chi- Town. It was a wonderful celebration and appreciate that everyone came. The theme was ice cream cones and wow were there some creations! Sloan you continue to grow and develop right in front of our eyes!

Her two year stat:
Weight ---24 lbs
Height ---34 inches

We're so proud of you going pee pee on the potty and talking on the phone at the same time. She finishes many sentences for us, loves to read books, sings songs and performs for any a crowd.

In fact, the other night I was putting her to bed, reading "Good Night Moon" she started to finish all the words, bear, chair, balloon and then we got to the page, "a comb, a brush...a bowl full of ICE CREAM she repeats," Well guess she was just thinking of her birthday, since every party we go to is "Her" birthday! These little ones can always make you smile after a stressful day!

1 comment:

HMW said...

She's so grown up! Happy belated birthday Sloan.