Friday, August 28, 2009

Sloan's first class....

With Q starting school soon and always trying to continue the tradition with both kiddos, we decided to sign Sloan up for gymnastics and this morning was her first day. What a crack up! There is just Sloan and another little girl named Isabel in the class so it's practically a private lesson (if there is such a thing for a 15 month year old). It's a lot of free play so she could get used to the environment and the equipment. However, it didn't take too long, as this setup is a cool and safe place for kids to have a blast. Sloan did awesome jumping on the trampoline with mommy, hanging on the bars, and stacking cones as big as her. Q was thrilled because he was able to show her the ropes for the first class. I was so proud of his patience and his excitement when he went into BIG BRO mode.

I look forward to her progress and feel this will be a great way to gain coordination and balance...then we can get her in dance too.....So fun Sloan!!!!

1 comment:

HMW said...

Great job Sloan!